Memorize through your phone WALLPAPERS!!!
Wallpapers automatically change to the new English words and their definition every time you unlock the phone.
Thus you learn as you use your phone. No need to open any app. You learn 24X7.
SIMPLEST method to memorize English vocabulary for your IELTS exams.
You are preparing for the IELTS exams? Then increasing your English vocabulary is a must. The English words for IELTS preparation are exhaustive and cannot be learned within a few hours or days. It needs repetition, exposure to those words, and their meanings for many days.
We designed a unique way to learn and improve IELTS English vocabulary through Android's Live wallpaper feature. As shown in the promo images, it will paint your phone's wallpaper with a new English word and its definition, every time you unlock your phone.
Thus "Unlock your phone, To unlock more words!!!"
Just imagine the number of times you unlock your phone in a day and every time a new word is there on your wallpaper to learn. You read it consciously or not, but even the glance of the word stays in your mind and serves you in time of the exam.
So we compiled more than 4000 English words and its respective definitions in this version of the app. Currently, we are offering dark mode wallpapers with a beautiful font for clear and focused learning.
It has a FREEMIUM version as well, which contains 100 best words to learn. The purpose of the freemium model is to give you an idea of how this app actually helps you learn. You can find the free version here:
If you feel any kind of modification that would help you learn better, please email us.
Thank you!!!